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Smokey Quartz
In the metaphysical world, Smoky Quartz is one of the most efficient crystals for grounding and cleansing and is an extraordinary amulet of protection.
Amethyst is one of the most revered crystals in the mineral kingdom and perhaps it is most notably known for its master healing spiritual properties held in high esteem by ancients and mystics in many cultures around the world. It is known for its magical ability to heal a soul in discord, awaken spirituality, activate intuition, and provide energetic protection.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz, also called Ice Crystal, from the Greek word "krystallos", meaning "ice", as ancients believed clear quartz to be sacred water frozen so hard it could never thaw. They believed these stones to be alive, and many cultures thought them to be incarnations of the Divine.
Selenite is named after Selene, the Greek Moon Goddess. The Romans knew Selene as Luna and in Mesopotamian civilization, Selenite was kept by the side of the sick to ward away diseases and evil energies. Selenite is said to hold the feminine powers of the moon, and with it, all that the divine feminine can catalyze and manifest in harnessing her energy.
Bay is used for divination and prophecy. It makes the mind receptive and enables the practitioner to understand and interpret as the oracle.