
Amethyst is one of the most revered crystals in the mineral kingdom and perhaps it is most notably known for its master healing spiritual properties held in high esteem by ancients and mystics in many cultures around the world.

It is known for its magical ability to heal a soul in discord, awaken spirituality, activate intuition, and provide energetic protection.

Known as: “The Awakener”
Element: Air
Planet: Jupiter
Chakra: Crown

This crystal was associated with the Greek god of wine and the name Amethyst comes from the Greek word ‘amethystos’ meaning “non-intoxicating or non-poisoning ”.

Wise men in the Greek and Roman era were known to drop a piece of Amethyst into their wine to neutralize the alcohol and Amethyst thereby became known as the “Stone of Steadiness”.

Amethyst was considered useful for centuries against overindulgence and addiction, hence ancient Greeks wore amethyst and sculpted drinking vessels from it.

Amethyst's healing properties span continents and centuries and are linked to the third eye chakra, the seat of spirituality and intuition, and the crown chakra, which governs our relationship with the universe. These energy centers are associated with the color purple and its vibrational frequency of powerful energy balancing, opening, and activating of the third eye chakra and crown chakra.

Leonardo Da Vinci once wrote that amethyst holds the power to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken one's intelligence.

Amethyst is certainly a first choice of many metaphysicians as its healing properties are used to purify and infuse positive energy into a space, remove unwanted energies out of the body such as anger, sadness, fear, and anxiety, and is most commonly used as a a healing and divinatory tool.

Amethyst draws in divine energy by opening and activating the crown chakra allowing easier access to innate spiritual awareness and spiritual wisdom, promoting a higher state of consciousness.

It gives off high frequencies and strongly stimulates the third eye, crown and etheric chakras. In meditation this stone helps one to still thoughts and expand into higher states of awareness and communication. It is beneficial in sleep and dream work when placed under the pillow as it quels insomnia and brings one into a divine dream state. Amethysts’ spiritual qualities can be used to help individuals tap into higher levels of consciousness as it strongly enhances perception and awakens inner wisdom and greater understanding. This accelerates the development of one’s intuition and psychic ability. Amethyst serves as a bridge between physical and ethereal frequencies, creating conditions for illumination and awakening of the soul, helping people to realize their life purpose and fulfill their ambitions. It facilitates and enhances one’s connection with spirit guides and guardians, angels, and God/Goddess. Amethyst has long been believed to grant a deeper understanding of the hidden knowledge of the universe.

Amethyst has quite a long history with many religious practices. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, there are instructions given for placing heart shaped Amethyst on the body of the deceased which was said to help transition peacefully to the next realm. Within the Roman Catholic church, it was known as a gem of purity and associated with bishops who wore amethyst rings. It is also the stone of Buddha and is quite popular to use for Buddhist prayer beads. Ancient Greeks and Romans used amethyst in several ways from jewelry to sacred amulets. These ancient civilizations placed high value on this stone and their belief was that the amethyst was synonymous with luxury. As such, it was utilized as part of crowns, scepters and rings as its color was synonymous with royalty and an alliance with a Greater Power. Medieval European soldiers wore it as protection in battle, believing that amethyst heals wounds and keeps them cool-headed.

Known as “change stone” it holds trans-mutational energies allowing and assisting the opening of gateways into intense and transformational spiritual experiences. It is said to be able to bring about any type of change in your life or consciousness in a calm and soothing manner; breaking up old emotional thought processes. When worn, it will ward off guilt and self-deception, assisting in overcoming addictions, and curbing overindulges.

Quickening the mind, Amethyst promotes dynamism and gives victory in business matters, bestowing good judgement, and lending courage to the wearer. It is a powerful amulet for travelers both physical and psychic, protecting against sickness, danger, harm and protection from psychic attack.  It promotes an understanding of the spiritual reality behind our lives, and protects against any unknown dangers of the journey.

To learn more about the metaphysical and healing properties of Amethyst and other crystals, visit us at Saje Sanctuary or book a Crystal Healing Session!


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