Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz, also called Ice Crystal, from the Greek word "krystallos", meaning "ice", as ancients believed clear quartz to be sacred water frozen so hard it could never thaw. They believed these stones to be alive, and many cultures thought them to be incarnations of the Divine. 

Known as: “The Manifestor”
Element: Air
Planet: Venus 
Chakra: All

Throughout history, Clear Quartz has been valued by nearly every civilization as far back as Atlantis and Lemuria, where the sun's power was believed to be harnessed through a crystal as a source of solar energy. Native American Indians, African tribes, ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Romans, Scots and countless other cultures used Clear Quartz in diagnostic healing, meditations and spiritual development, as religious objects and as magical enchantments.

Many healers agree crystals are living beings, incredibly old and wise, and willing to communicate when an individual is open and ready to receive. Wearing, carrying or meditating with a Clear Quartz crystal opens the mind and heart to higher guidance, allowing the realm of Spirit to be transmitted and translated into the world of physical form.

Clear Quartz is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals and is known as the “stone of power” and as the "master healer". 

Resonating at the level of an individual's needs, Clear Quartz also amplifies intention and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world and into etheric realms. This may accelerate the fulfillment of one's prayers/ manifestations, intensify healing or spiritual growth, or simply allow the crystal to hold a pattern of energy long enough for the manifestation of a goal to occur.

Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities and has been shown to enhance and strengthen the aura. Clear Quartz comes to us with messages from the higher self to assimilate in the process of one's spiritual growth. Clear Quartz is often used to cleanse, open, activate, and align all of the chakras and subtle bodies. It aids concentration and unlocks memory, stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. 

Clear Quartz can be programmed with intention and kept in a central place to emit its helpful energies. The Sacred Geometry of a 6-sided Clear Quartz Point contributes to its ability to magnify energetic vibrations.  Quartz Points are wonderful crystals to use with any type of meditation or energy work, including Reiki, body work, chakra balancing and Energy Grids. 

To learn more about the metaphysical and healing properties of Clear Quartz and other crystals, visit us at Saje Sanctuary or book a Crystal Healing Session!



