Smokey Quartz

In the metaphysical world, Smoky Quartz is one of the most efficient crystals for grounding and cleansing and is an extraordinary amulet of protection.

Known as: “The Grounding Cord”
Element: Earth
Planet: Earth
Chakra: ROOT

Smokey Quartz is a talisman of the Root Chakra, an anchor in the natural world. It gently neutralises negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog. Smokey Quartz dispels fear, lifts depression and negativity, brings emotional calmness and helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

The Chinese, Egyptians, Romans, and Sumerians each had practical uses for the crystal, but the Druids in particular placed great value on it; to them, it was absolutely sacred. So sacred, in fact, that it’s the national stone of Scotland to this day. Smoky Quartz was known as a Stone of Power to the ancients and signified the potent power of Earth gods and goddesses. In other cultures it guided souls to the afterlife, served in shamanistic rituals and tribal ceremonies, and was utilized in magic and scrying to connect with spirits of the lower worlds.

Smoky Quartz is an ideal crystal for grounding the spirit in meditation, relieving barriers between the alpha and beta states of mind and refining one’s vibratory energies to allow for a deep, prolonged meditative state.

Smoky Quartz offers exceptional grounding and stability when working in the higher realms, helping one to receive and utilize more light energy. It is a remarkable tool for focused prayer and deep meditation, spiritual ceremonies and rituals, as well as strengthening the link of communication when contacting other worlds and attuning to higher awareness.

Smoky Quartz’s phenomenal power lies in its ability to protect and ground one physically and spiritually to this world, and to absorb and transmute significant amounts of negative energy and release it into the Earth to be neutralized naturally. Wear or carry Smoky Quartz to enhance survival instincts, alleviate communication difficulties and foster a spirit of cooperation. It provides a vital shield against psychic attack and is used extensively in vision quests and initiatory rites. 

To learn more about the metaphysical and healing properties of Smokey Quartz and other crystals, visit us at Saje Sanctuary or book a Crystal Healing Session!



