Sakile Braithwaite-Hall

I am a soul seeker and connector.

Sakile Braithwaite-Hall is a soul seeker and connector embodying the illumination of light. She is on a journey of encouragement, support and providing visibility and opportunities of connection especially for people of color.

Sakile advocates for embracing and acknowledging our sacred breath while allowing a union of the mind, body, and spirit to unfold. Sakile will meet you where you are while creating a safe space for exploration, self-love, and care. In each yoga class, she invokes a sacred space to reset, restore, and reflect through subtle movement, meditation, sequenced flows, and somatic variations where the body is honored and loved.

She has been practicing and holding space for yoga and holistic wellness opportunities publicly within the Virgin Islands community for over 2 years. Her journey includes demystifying the perceived accessibility to the practice of yoga by encouraging the inclusivity of a variety of body types, abilities, and age levels. Sakile invites the community to experience meditative modalities they may know but often struggle to maintain or access and she teaches the acknowledgement that when we have control of our breath and our bodies we unlock so much within us and reclaim a small sense of ourselves by breathing deeply and finding moments of stillness.

Sakile acknowledges that we must continue to take time to develop and nurture a deep love within ourselves, appreciate the incredible land and time that we are present with, and to listen to ourselves and what we need. Sakile identifies as a teacher and she is also a student and a life-long learner as there is so much more to learn, unlearn, re-learn, and grow from.

Sakile is grateful to be on this journey and encourage others along the way.

Name Pronunciation: (suh-key-lay) - (bray-th-wait) - (hall)


Sakile Offers:





Angelica Carby


Hadiya Sewer