The Akashic Records

The word “Akasha” translates to “atmosphere of Ethers,” which is where the Akashic records are said to exist.

The Akashic Records or The Souls Records are an etheric Library of Information that contains knowledge and intelligence about every sentient being in the universe. Your Akashic Record is the divine knowing of the entire experience of your soul and contains all lifetimes, timelines and origins of past, present and future. Whether you are a young or ancient soul, the Akashic Record holds the energetic imprint of your thoughts, feelings, memories, actions, and deeds experienced multi-dimensionally. This accumulation of energy creates the lessons and experiences necessary in each successive lifetime that assists in our evolution.

The Akashic Records are a great source of information to seek answers about your life purpose, soul gifts, and the true essence of who you are— which has traveled through many incarnations to become who you are today. By finding out more about your soul’s journey, you can better understand, heal, and thrive in this current life.

An Akashic Record Reading is a deep remembrance, an activation and an invitation to reawaken the tame and wild gifts available to you here and now.

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