I have always felt like our lives are like a great river.

Powerful, beautiful, majestic and who’s destiny it is to connect to an energy greater than itself - The source of all that is.

Like a river who’s true course may be interrupted with obstacles and unforeseen barriers, so too can blockages, trauma and grief in our own lives derail us from our true and intended journey; the destination and connection with that which is greater than ourselves.

My intention for my practice and my clients is always to guide them on the highest intended path for their lives. I do this with a combination of different energy clearing and healing techniques- Reiki, chakra healing and balancing, psychic soul connection and fork tuning.

Your ancestors, spirit guides and angels have so much to relay to you to help you align with your highest purpose in this life. Their guidance is relayed through our session to convey wisdom that will help you position yourself on your personal path of greatness. A path that will help alchemize all that no longer serves you and create a journey that truly reflects your most beautiful and heartfelt aspirations.

The container I create is one of love and integrity and always holding space with the intention of bringing those I work with to a place of happiness, clarity and a sense of peace and calm within their being.

I look forward to creating a beautiful experience with you at Saje Sanctuary!


Angelica Offers:





Gabrielle Querrard


Sakile Braithwaite-Hall