Discover Saje Sanctuary


Your astrological birth chart is a personal roadmap which illuminates your calling, so you can unlock your full potential. At the exact time of your birth, the planetary alignment tells a story about who you are and who you are destined to become.

our chart tells the story of your life – past, present and future – and the significant moments that will help guide you. You’ll gain insight into the natural propensities, environmental conditions and major life cycles that influence the person you are meant to be. Whether you’re at a crossroads in your life and need direction, or are simply curious, your reading will be an enlightening and healing experience. The information revealed in an astrological or natal birth chart reading will allow you to remember why you are here and what drives your soul’s journey.

Astrology Readings can assist you in your soul healing journey in several ways:

An astrology reading is a detailed breakdown of who you are according to the sun, moon, stars and planets. Where and at what degree they were aligned when you were born and where they have transited to during your lifetime gives a detailed account of your purpose, desires, passions, idiosyncrasies, talents, ambitions and so much more.

View our Astrology Reading Practitioners: